For many years now there has been a very strong focus on conservation and wildlife: the surrounding farm is operated using regenerative practices (removing chemical inputs and driving production through soil health and biodiversity) and there are several ornithological and entomological projects ongoing across the farm to include areas of wetland, rewilding, counting and monitoring of migratory and native birds, development of enhanced wildflower meadows as well as management of woodland and hedges specifically for the enhancement of habitat for a wide range of flora and fauna.
Wildlife and Environment
The Cabins are situated in a tradition parkland setting, reached by a short walk through mature woodland. For many years now there has been a very strong focus on conservation and wildlife: the surrounding farm is operated using regenerative practices (removing chemical inputs and driving production through soil health and biodiversity) and there are several ornithological and entomological projects ongoing across the farm to include areas of wetland, rewilding, counting and monitoring of migratory and native birds, development of enhanced wildflower meadows as well as management of woodland and hedges specifically for the enhancement of habitat for a wide range of flora and fauna.
With prior arrangement guests and subject to availability can book various wildlife experiences such as a morning spent with our resident ornithologist and the local bird ringing group to experience the important monitoring work they carry out (which includes identification, tagging, weighing, sexing and ageing a wide range of birds). During the summer there are opportunities to join a team of entomologists in monitoring insects’ activity and general biodiversity within the wildflower meadows. These are wonderful hands-on experiences with truly passionate and knowledgeable environmental professionals.